Thursday, July 28, 2016

TROB Annual Conference

TROB annual Conference has customarily established itself as one of the best experiences of its kind. It is believed that this year, through the work of the Holy Spirit, will make a big difference in your life.
Here and now, the world is in the cold, damp, dark of summer solstice. The colours are dull and the candles are dim. The holidays are a fading memory. The house is empty and void of laughter. How do we keep hope alive in the bleak extent of time?
How do we sustain hope that the world can be different, that we can be different? 
That our lives can have meaning and purpose?
 That we can contribute to a more just, loving, peace-seeking society?
2016 Conference promises to provide answers on these and the characterization of hope, rooted in both human experience and the Christian tradition. It will clear space for encountering God, discovering and deepening a vibrant and durable faith in Jesus Christ, and hearing an invitation to make a personal commitment to embody the love, justice and righteousness of Christ.
Plus, this conference will be a unique gathering of young people from all over the country for 3 days of study, worship, and recreation.
Activities include morning energizers, music, keynote, small group meetings, afternoon recreation activities, and evening worship.

Don't Miss It!
Invite friends!
Remain blessed!

‪#‎TROB‬ ‪#‎CYF‬ ‪#‎HopeAlive‬ ‪#‎YouthConvention‬

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