Thursday, April 13, 2017

Story Time:

Two fish were swimming when they saw a bit of meat 

dangling before them. The more youthful fish dashed toward it 

with an open mouth. The more seasoned fish shouted out, "Stop! You 
can't see it, however there is a snare inside that meat. It is 

associated by an undetectable line to a shaft outside the water. 

There is a man holding the post. On the off chance that you eat the meat, the 

snare will get in your jaw and the man will pull you 

out of the water. He will cut you open with a blade, cook 

you on a fire and eat you. At that point he will toss your 

stays to his feline." 

The youthful fish ceased. Both of them swam away. 

Be that as it may, when the youthful fish was separated from everyone else, he thought to 

himself, "Let me explore for myself how exact 

these cases are." 

He backpedaled to the meat, swam around it, above and 

underneath it. He swam the extent that he could in extending circles 

around the meat. After a long pursuit, he said to himself, 

"I've looked far and wide, and I haven't found any indication of 

a man, a shaft, a blade, a fire or a feline. Truth be told, I've found 

no hint of anything outside this water we live in. These 

should simply be stories." 

He backpedaled to the meat and ate it. The snare got in 

his jaw, he learned about himself being yanked of the water. He 

saw a shaft, a man and a blade, yet by then his 

information was pointless. 

MORAL: So is the message of the Sacred Book of scriptures. Some of it is 

outside our ability to grasp. We will understand its existence 

just when passing strikes. 

May God give us a chance to notice to reality in John 3:3-7,while it is 

helpful to us. So be it. 

Keep in mind to share it :

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