Friday, May 12, 2017

Stop spreading false message

Please stop spreading this message all around the web.
Its really wrong. How will someone say you'd be sick of cancer that is incurable? Is that what Christ Jesus wants for us all?

Others reaction to the message:


[5/12, 08:27] J One  Juwon: No send d audio that follow d pix ooooo
[5/12, 08:27] J One  Juwon: If not I go cum there cum break ur fone
[5/12, 08:31] J One  Juwon: U send am abi
[5/12, 08:31] J One  Juwon: These people are very ... let me not use the word sha, its well.


[5/12, 08:32] ‪+234 703 631 2373‬: Is this ur baby,?
[5/12, 08:33] ‪+234 703 631 2373‬: Lol
[5/12, 08:33] ‪+234 703 631 2373‬: Is not possible oooo

Please react to the post and let stop this UNGODLY act using Jesus Name to get more likes, share and all that on the internet. May the Lord Bless you all.


1 comment:

Adim said...

Not annoying but repulsive. It's very negative and miles away from the teaching of our Lord and Saviour Jesus christ. However it's obvious some people will follow such messages in this last days as bible prophesies unfold before our very eyes.
I have had messages following similar heretic pattern posted to me in the past and attempting to force the readers to re post by creating a fear factor that traps the weak minded.
Next time Please there no need to re post such since we are object to it. Only Gods word that matters.